About Us
Who we are, where we come from, and where we’re headed as a church familyWe are a non-denominational, evangelical, full Gospel Christian church based in beautiful Fredericksburg, Texas.
With Pastor Michael Burdick and his wife Christine, we are leading people of diverse backgrounds into victory in life through faith in Jesus Christ.
Our worldview of who the Creator is and how He interacts with His creation is paramount to the life of a believer in Jesus. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are at work in the Church, His Body, today.
At Victory Fellowship we have both individuals and families in all stages of their walk with the Lord, so it’s our heart to help grow families and friendships with a variety of fellowship events.
We are better together! As we see the day of Jesus’ return approaching, we want to encourage one another that there’s hope in Jesus and that we don’t have to do this life alone!
A Brief History of Our Church
It began with a miracle. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, there was a great revival sweeping the country, and the Texas Hill Country was not left out. Many were touched by the outpouring of miracles accompanying this revival.
Raymond T. Richey, a healing evangelist, was holding a revival meeting in San Antonio in February of 1928. Richey had famously said, “Divine healing is the dinner bell. Keep ringing that bell and people will come.” This testimony prevails through the years. (Continued below)

Years and counting
Charter Members
(Brief history continued…)
Late one evening, evangelist A.E. McNett was traveling to Mason, having come from the San Antonio healing revival with Bro. Richey needed gas for his car. As he approached the Hill Top Café and Gas Station it appeared to be closed. Needing gas to continue his trip, he stopped his car, got out, and knocked on the door of the station. The owner, Mr. Fiddler, answered and informed him that his son was seriously ill and on his deathbed. Mr. McNett asked Mr. Fiddler if he could pray for the boy. As he laid his hands on the lad and prayed, God sent His healing virtue, and the boy was miraculously healed.
From this manifestation of the presence of God there grew an increasing interest in more of the gospel truths. A number of people from the Doss and Fredericksburg area began to assemble together and a non-denominational Christian church called Gospel Tabernacle was formed. The old Court House, now Pioneer Library, provided a temporary meeting place. They also met above the old Fredericksburg Implement Company in downtown Fredericksburg.
From the beginning of these special meetings, faith was strong and hearts were open for blessings. Many were saved, people received healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit was received by many as they spoke in tongues.
The unbroken unity and blessed fellowship that had characterized this revival continued as they purchased a piece of land in 1930 from Mrs. Christina Rode. Their first sanctuary was housed in a building of modest construction and affectionately referred to as “The Sheep Shed”.
Amidst the dirt floors, wood bench pews, and humble furnishings an outpouring of God’s miraculous power could be experienced. Evangelists A.E. McNett and E.J. Hierholzer came and held revival meetings preaching the full gospel and many souls were saved, and sick bodies were healed with the Lord confirming His Word. Bro. Hierholzer, who was an evangelist, became one of the first pastors of the church and pastored for two years. Later Alvin Durst became the pastor and served in that position for over 50 years. In 1942 the church joined a church association and the name was changed to Fredericksburg Emmanuel Gospel.
Through the years other churches were planted in Texas and Louisiana. Biblical publications were printed as well as newsletters called the “Hope” and “Emmanuel Gospel Herald.”
There was also a weekly radio program with Gospel music and preaching of the Word was a special service to the community.
In 1995 Pastor Larry and Carolyn Hopkins came to be pastors and served the church for 15 years. The name was changed to Fredericksburg Victory Fellowship in the early 2000s and there are no more dirt floors. Pastor Michael and Christine Burdick and their family were called to lead the church as pastors in January 2006. They have brought fresh leadership to the church. Pastor Michael and Christine are passionate about the Word of God, preaching and teaching relevant messages helping people do life and helping the body of Christ grow up into maturity in Christ, and teaching people who they are in Christ and what Christ has done for them.
Pastor Michael and Christine received a mandate from the Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin to “go teach my people faith!” when they attended Rhema Bible Training College. They emphasize walking in love and being led by the Holy Spirit and flowing with the Holy Spirit. They also are committed to feeding Jesus’ sheep and guarding the sheep against deception and the strange winds of doctrine.
Blast from the Past
Take a little trip down memory lane and enjoy some pictures from yesteryear! Obviously, with over 94 years of history, we have a lot more that we could show you, but here’s a little snippet of the years.
Where We’re Headed
What’s the bottom line? More than ever, we are committed to fostering a family built around hope.
We are here to meet the needs of the people of our community, to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and to fulfill His Great Commission.
We are a family church that is dedicated to excellent ministry. We commit to meeting each member’s spiritual and relational needs from infants to seniors.
At Victory Fellowship, you are free to worship the Lord with all your heart and soul. You will find practical teaching of the Word of God that you can apply to your everyday life. You will also find rich relationships with people that will encourage you on your journey of spiritual growth.
At Victory Fellowship, there are opportunities as well for you to get involved in reaching out to our community. We are also involved in mission work throughout many parts of the world.
Victory Fellowship has a rich history in Fredericksburg, and we have a diverse mix of ages and backgrounds. We are a growing church that wants to make a difference in the community around us.
Come experience God like never before, family discipleship, and life with passion!
What this means for you
What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you’re always welcome at Victory Fellowship.
Many generations of families have received a solid spiritual foundation, and many moral, upright, God-fearing, and God-loving biblical citizens have served the community in the past and continue to serve the community today because of the ministry of this church.
Today, the mantel has been passed to a new generation, and we’re as excited about God and the full gospel as the people way back in the 30s. We have the same desire and commitment to serve the community as God helps us to lead families in Fredericksburg and beyond into victory in life through faith in Jesus Christ.
We’re saving a seat for you. Wherever you’re at in your faith journey, you’ll always be accepted as a part of our church family. Come share in the spirit of God’s warmth as we amplify his glory in all we do.
Beyond that, if you’re ready to plan your first visit, click here. If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, click here. Or if you’d simply like to get in touch with a person from our team directly, click the button below.